Dear Mr. Wrong,
It’s funny how things start out so right, but end so wrong. I wonder if I would still agree with that statement if you were completely honest from the beginning. I mean we are really at the age where you know what you want from someone when you meet them. Everyone has a purpose and it's okay to be honest about that. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. You picked up on it and ran with it. It's cool. However, I would like to think that I wasn’t out of line by calling you and texting you. I mean typically that’s how you show you are interested in someone. Right? I mean correct me if I’m wrong. All you have is communication if you don’t live in the same city. So, am I really supposed to believe your words when you say you’re interested over you actions when you don’t follow thru on what you said you were gonna do? I didn’t ask you to do anything. You offered. That’s equivalent to offering a lie. Funny how you hate liars tho. It's even funnier that you insist on being the victim. You swear you are being neglected and that I don't give you enough attention. That's cute, but you know the funniest thing about it all is how you always want to hang on by a thread. And I guess it's partially my fault for letting you. Now I've realized I'm worth more than that. I’m not Ms. Just-In-Case or Ms. Rainy Day Fund. I’ve done nothing to deserve any less respect from you than I give to you. Then I sit back and think that things happen for a reason and it kinda makes sense. You shouldn’t be able to keep something that you can’t appreciate and you shouldn’t want to keep something that has no value. That’s why letting it go and handing you a pair of scissors. Lesson learned my dear. Lesson learned.
Ms. Could’ve Been
Nice Blog! tried to add you but couldnt