Why do we argue all the time? Let me count the reasons.
We argue because of Twitter. We’re both flirts. However, I’m just not as blatant about it. You on the other hand are. You don’t realize it. How you don’t? I don’t know. To me it’s disrespect. To you it’s innocent. Social networking sites can be a blessing and a curse. And there is a fine line between the two. Especially if you’re dating someone.
We argue because you don’t call enough. When you aren’t in the same city, communication is key right. So, if we don’t talk then what’s left. I’ll tell you what’s left. A lingering feeling that something isn’t right. I don’t like that feeling and you don’t either.
We argue because I have male friends. Yep, sure do. You have female friends right? Yeah, that’s what I thought. So, just like you have female friends, I have male friends. And just like you have slept with one or two. So, have I. I’m wondering if my complete honesty was warranted now. It seems to have played into your insecurity.
We argue because we both have smart ass mouths. You have the ability to make me cry with the words that roll off of your tongue. You have the ability to make me angry the same way and you know it. I shouldn’t let you get to me. I’m supposed to be the BULL. Taurus women aren’t wimps at least not to your face. I showed my weakness. Eh. Oh well. I AM a woman. The same way you can change my emotions, I can change yours. And I know it. However, sometimes things are taken out of context and intent. We HAVE to realize this.
We argue because we don’t trust each other 100%. If you did, you wouldn’t assume I was up to no good at night when I don’t you call at 11 pm when I TELL you I go to bed around 10 or 10:30. So, of course I’m not going to answer the phone. I’m ASLEEP! And if I trusted you completely, I wouldn’t worry about you going out every weekend. I mean just because you like to have a drink and happen to be out while doing it shouldn’t warrant attitude. I understand that.
Now, someone may ask “Who wants to be with someone when all you seem to do is argue?”… That’s a great question… A question for a later date.
hmmm someone is "IN Like" lol.. though a beautiful feeling, it raises just as much questions, anxiety, and expectations as that other "L" word... Trust is the first part of any situation/relationship... When you're finally able to trust that person completely...the above questions become few and far between...Not saying they wont exist, but their presence will be less frequent.. but u already knew that :O)