Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Invisible Ink or a Blank Sheet of Paper?

Sitting here looking at a blank sheet of paper. Or is it? I glanced and thought I saw something on it but I’m not for sure. Is it possible the paper isn’t blank at all, but merely covered with words written in invisible ink? Do I have the right light to uncover the hidden message? Or am I merely making something out of nothing? How do I uncover the truth? I could be making something out of nothing. It could be just a regular sheet of paper that says nothing. Absolutely nothing. I could’ve misinterpreted what I saw. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened. Sometimes I think we… well I… make something out of nothing. If there’s nothing there, there just isn’t anything there! There isn’t anything I can do to make something appear that isn’t there in the first place. The tricky part is knowing the difference. Knowing if the paper is blank or if it isn’t. Knowing if your situation is something or if it isn’t. Could it be so simple to just ask? It probably is as long as you ask the right question. Is this invisible ink or just a blank sheet of paper?

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